Looking back at the postings of 2015

“Video games are not a genre. Video games are a medium, they’re a type of entertainment. To say theatre must grow up, which means you can’t have pantomimes because you have thoughtful pieces.”
Gaming Anarchist Collective

Waow, seems like I did write 126 postings in 2015. Here are the postings somewhat sorted into categories. In the categories just sorted by time, not further grouped into subgroups.

BTW, one posting I would definitely recommend in advance is the presentation I did about Organizing Creativity:

Creativity in General and Oneself in Particular

Minimalism, Tiny House, Van Dwelling, etc.

Infrastructure, Note Taking, Calendars, Desks, etc.

Academic Writing, Studying, Academic Career, Presentations, etc.

Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Research, Artistic Freedom, Equality, Egalitarianism, Rights, etc.

Copyright, Digital Reading, DRMs, Privacy, etc.

Great Games

Great Movies and Books and other entertainment

Psychology, Technology, etc.


Food, Health, Sports, etc.

Drawing, Painting, etc.

Commissioning Artworks


Have fun reading. 🙂


  1. Thank you Daniel for your good and interesting work!
    All the best in the upcoming year,

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