
For the lack of a better word, a portfolio with some of my works. After all, why believe someone’s advice regarding organizing creativity if this person has not managed to be creative? 😉

Writing, non-fiction (original)

Three non-fiction works — the first edition of “Organizing Creativity” (left), the second edition of “Organizing Creativity” (much better, middle), and my dissertation thesis (right, was sufficient for a magna cum laude). BTW, the photos on the covers were also done by me. Being an enthusiastic photographer is helpful in a lot of areas.

Writing, non-fiction (mashups)

Some non-fiction mashup books — “A Book of Life” (400 pages quotations book, left), and the second edition of a Hogwarts Address Book (still unprinted printed, right, with a photo of the first edition of this address book, self-bound with a black velvet cover and metal book corners). Note that the graphics used in both books are not mine — they are from various sources (including a Harry Potter Print Studio CD that came with my printer). The books are for private use, not for sale and no copyright infringement is intended here.

Writing, fiction

Two fiction books/stories — Ainran (a 145 pages novel, printed with Lulu but not published — too personal, left), and the beginning of a fairy tale written for a very good friend when she was in a really bad relationship (right).


I love photography. The (cleverly covered ;-)) fetish photos were from guided photo shootings, the other two either from a contest (the photo of earth picture — no Photoshop here) or something I noticed in my coffee cup. You can find more of my photos on deviantART.


Two iOS apps I did program myself (and I’m a psychologist, not a computer scientist or programmer by trade) — on the left is a critical thinking tool (build according to a theory about critical thinking — which is something many programmers cannot do by themselves), on the right an visitor observation tool, a pet project.


A few gifts I did … tinker. A dreamcatcher (left), a piano made out of chocolate (middle), and a small paper lantern that glows in the dark (due to luminescent paint, right).


A few calendars I did make. Among others, a spiral bound calendar (top, middle, and lower right), a tear-off calendar (made with the serial letter function of Word and an Excel file with quotes for each day, great to count down to important dates, lower left), and post-it style time-scheduling cards (top right).


I love to do customized postcards — given the amount of ‘available’ graphics on the net and a good program (InDesign) and printer, you can create your own postcards — after all, the standard photopaper format (8 x 10″) is also the format of a postcard. Note that the images are from various sources and no copyright infringement is intended. These postcards are not for sale but strictly for private use.

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