Images tagged "excellent"


  1. Glad to hear it — have fun. Oh, and I’d appreciate feedback — what worked well, what could be improved, general suggestions.

  2. One more suggestion; if possible make the pdf editable? That play players can insert their image of their character directly into page 2 as well as potentially write Passport in other languages on the cover for players playing characters from non English speaking countries.

  3. i am feeling highly tensed due to the huge confusion in deciding my topic for phd, please help me out if anybody there

  4. Hoi, you should be able to add pictures with a moderately advanced PDF editor. But I would not recommend it. At that time (1920s), I’m fairly certain passport photos weren’t printed in, neither were things that were specific for the person.

  5. That’s your advisor’s job. And yeah, I can provide specific advice, but that would cost you. So, talk to your advisor. Either way, it’s better.

  6. “The Fountainhead” Ist das nicht die Bibel der amerikanischen Republikaner?

  7. I like the poster…. I first came across the video on youtube.. Finally came around to watching it and I learnt much.. after some time im now trying to more seriously read your book.. I look forward to finding something useful.. I like your approach toward how someone can respond to finding the book useful

  8. I’ve been trying to find time to bring in my out-of-warranty 2017 MacBook Pro and hopefully address they keyboard issues(well documented all over the Internet), and an issue with the headphone jack dropping the right channel. It’s reassuring that your experience was so positive.

  9. Quote: If you have eight hours to cut down a tree, it is best to spend six hours sharpening your axe and then two hours cutting down the tree.

    Or get a powerful enough chain saw and cut it down is fifteen minutes.

  10. Yeah, but the issue with shitty tools still applies. Heck, even with a great chain saw … hmm, the chain saw version would likely be: “If you have twenty minutes to cut down a tree, it’s best to spend five minutes putting on a protective suit, cut down the tree in fifteen minutes. It takes five minutes longer, but you keep both of your legs.” Or a variant to the losing fingers quote: “The difference between two legs and one leg is one mistake.” 😉

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