Energy Ice Cubes (caffeine + guarana)

Continuing yesterdays posting about the uses of sodastream energy syrup there’s one thing you can do more easily with the syrup than with an already carbonated drink: Make caffeinated ice cubes.

The steps are incredibly easy.

1. Get an ice-cube tray


2. Fill it with water (leave some space for the syrup)


3. Fill the water back into a mixing glass


Note: This also tells you the amount of water needed for future ice cubes, meaning you can skip step 2 in the future.

4. Add the amount of syrup you want (need)



5. Swirl it around to dispense the syrup evenly


Note: That’s the main reason for not simply adding the syrup to the tray after step 2.

6. Carefully fill the water-syrup mixture back into the ice tray.


Note: Err on the side of caution. The syrup makes the water sticky and you do not want to spill it — trust me on this.

7. Put the tray into the freezer and leave for a night or so.



8. Enjoy ice cubes with pep.


These ice cubes work well for transport, e.g., if you put them into a thermos flask to have them available at work. You only need water (best: carbonated).

Note: Remember the amount of caffeine that’s in each cube. These things do have pep. Apparently, this also works for coffee.