A truly good book teaches me better than to read it. I must soon lay it down, and commence living on its hint … . What I began by reading, I must finish by acting.
Henry David Thoreau
It’s been exactly a year since I made the second edition of “Organizing Creativity” available.
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! π π π
I wanted it to be read, so I made the double-page (spread) version available for “free” (donationware), and it seemed to have worked. More than 9800 people visited the download page in the last year and Google Analytics counts over 1800 downloads (I guess it misses some, tracking PDF downloads are a little difficult). There were also some great comments, public on Amazon, and private per eMail, — very encouraging and helpful π
Not bad for a just-for-fun project. π
Regarding the donationware aspect — if the reader finds it helpful there are some ways to give me money for it — this did not work that well. Only a few people bought the book as print version or the high-quality PDF version. Still, I am even more thankful to those people who bought it. I didn’t do it for the money, but it’s still nice that the work is appreciated. After all, feedback is the life-blood of an author and money is actually as honest as feedback can get. I am also very grateful to Dylan Damian and others who offered proof-reading. It helped a lot π
To celebrate it’s first birthday, I have decided to make the single-page version available for “free” (also donationware). But note that the graphics are still downscaled — the PDF is great for viewing on a tablet, but not for printing. I need to leave a difference to the single-page version at Lulu.
Hope you like it. If you like the book and want to return the favor without paying something, recommend the book in your social networks. Perhaps your contacts like it too.
Thanks π