Recommendation Digital Minimalism (Newport, 2019) 2022-08-05 Recently I went through Newport's «Digital Minimalism» and took some notes.[show the article]
Lectern Tablet Setups 2022-08-05 The lectern with the setup for different tablets works out rather well.[show the article]
A Workspace that works for you 2022-08-05 Good Tools are important, but the workspace matters at least as much.[show the article]
Computerized Lectern 2022-07-26 What are the consequences of adding a tablet to a lecture hall lectern?[show the article]
Reading Shelf Lectern Combination 2022-02-27 One of the more complicated construction projects. But hey, it turned out pretty well (for someone who cannot cut in straight lines): a reading shelf lectern combination.[show the article]
Home Office Desk 2022-02-19 Given that home office goes on, I did invest and build some desk equipment.[show the article]
Mind the cable you use for backups 2021-12-26 Not sure whether I have identified the problem correctly, but it would make sense — and explain how a backup can take 20 hours longer than it needs to take.[show the article]
Digital Bullet Journal 2022 2021-12-26 Not a fan of pen and paper bullet journals, but the digital version worked very well in 2021, and the new version hopefully will in 2022.[show the article]