Remember: Nobody ever lay on their deathbed thinking «gee, I wish I had spent more time watching TV/reading blogs/at the office.»
Unable to work in the office (testing required each and every day, followed by showing the test to someone else to proof that I am not lying about the result, which is … yeah), I invested some time and effort in my home office.
Gruesomely expensive, but given the time I spend here, I think it was worth the price.
Among others, my desk is now adjustable in height (Inwerk Masterlift 2, only the base, given that the plate of my desk is fine). I also got two LED lights (RALENO, double pack). And given that I want a stable work environment, I bought some wood and started building a desk … organizer.
The sketch:

The final(?) version:

Here’s a close-up of the camera:

and with the physical barrier in place:

I am not sure whether this will be final version. I like the idea of the iPad in front of me, and the notebook got a nice place. On the other hand, the space in front of me might just be too crowded with the iPad, and connecting the notebook might be a pain in the ass. I’ll see.
However, the best home office (even with some art) cannot replace the joy of working in the office. Walking each day to and from the office, meeting colleagues (and students), *sigh*.
Still, should make the work less sucky.
Update (2022-02-27):
Added a tea bag holder. The first iteration used paperclips:
which worked … okay’ish but not well.
Next iteration is an upside down drawer-part (I guess, found it at a hardware store):
Looks fine.
Update (2022-02-28):
Added an iPad holder — which uses a clothes hook. Works really well:
Update 2022-03-08: Hmm, I can put the lights vertically, and have more desk space … interesting … (and yeah, I bought an LED light chain 😉 ) 😉