Kurz gesagt: Ihr seid hochqualifizierte Leute, die man nicht auf der falschen Stelle verschwenden sollte. Ihr seid ehrgeizig, im Sinne von ihr wollt etwas erreichen, gefördert werden, weiter kommen. Sucht euch das passende Umfeld genau aus wenn ihr könnt. Promotionsstellen sind Qualifikationsstellen — es reicht nicht, dass ihr die Arbeit für die Stelle gut macht, die Arbeit auf der Stelle muss euch weiterbringen und euch selbst weiter qualifizieren.
Vortragsnotiz aus “Die Zukunft deiner Forschung — Wie organisiert man eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit?”
Note: The following presentation (PDF with Notes, which contains the script) is about ways to organize a scientific work. I did this presentation at the MinD-Akademie 2011 in Hannover and thus it is in German. It was my best presentation ever. Loved the audience :-). Regarding an English version, I’ll be doing a translation soon. [Update: Translation is online in this posting.]
Update: I have started writing a series about scientific work, based on this presentation/workshop. You can find an overview of the postings here.
Glad to hear that your presentation was a hit! I’m really looking forward to the English translation of this! My German vocabulary is still limited to please, thank you, and food items. =)
Hoi Cathy,
I’m working on it — I hope it will be finished until the end of this week. I’m also continuing to work on the Wiki which makes the information available more easily (site, esp. the blog has become somewhat difficult to read when you stumble upon it).
All the best
It usually takes longer than you think … damn it … still working on the translation. The slides are done but the transcript in the notes takes time. It’s somewhat more complicated as I am having the worst vacation ever with a lot of work that I cannot ignore at the moment … but I have scheduled tomorrow to finish the translation. Sorry for the delay.
As written in the beginning of the posting, the translation is finished.