«There is time for everything.»
Thomas A. Edison
Ah, being able to do presentations, it’s like extreme sports for the introverted and shy. This time it’s (hopefully) about digital minimalism for creativity (time for own ideas and projects in a distracting digital world). Unfortunately, it’s in German, but I might do an English version soon. We’ll see.
I’ve put up the slides here:
and (if the recording worked out, from a technical and content perspective) I’ll add a link to the video soon Hmmm, live recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Su3wJCs4kIg but it seems to continue recording long after the last presentation, so you might have to skim through the presentations — mine is the fourth one. Okay, as temporary measure, I’ll post a cut here. It’s in crappy downscaled quality, but should work out more or less. I’ll replace it once the separate video is available. And BTW, the cameraman was hard at work, Kudos! I did not make it easy to stay on camera 🙂 And thank you very much for the recording :-).
Hmmm, and I did make one mistake, I wrote «Vertrieb» (english: sales and distribution) instead of «Verbreitung» (english: dissemination) when it comes to places to spread your creative works (slide 8). Good catch by a participant — that seems like it’s all about making money. While I think that money is truthful, I was thinking here about places where you can spread your works (or rather: reach the field that judges something as creative).
BTW, Newports model is described in more detail in the posting: Recommendation Digital Minimalism (Newport, 2019). The figure I’ve shown on three slides is shown below as single graphic (click on graphic to enlarge):
And yeah, the «Organizing Creativity» book I’ve semi-recommended is the one here: www.organizingcreativity.com/book-as-pdf/
I hope you make and defend the time to be creative. 🙂