I am taking a hiatus for some time …

“I’m old, Gandalf. I know I don’t look it but I’m beginning to feel it in my heart. I feel thin … sort of stretched, like butter spread over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don’t expect I shall return. In fact I mean not to.”
Bilbo in “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring”

I started this blog as an add-on to the digital version of my book on organizing creativity on 31st of May 2009. Since then I have written about 125 blog postings. I even manged to write a posting a day for over a month recently.

But at the moment, I’m burned out and I need some time off.

However, even if there are no new postings here for the next few days/weeks/months/years, I strongly suggest to have a look at the book itself, which can be read (completely) on these pages (use the book navigation at the bottom of the linked page) or browse through the blog entries I have written so far. I especially like the book pages that creativity is more than one idea, how to organize creativity, the creative process (and that creativity needs hard work and time), and the different sections on capturing and collecting ideas (for the later especially using Wikis to organize personal creativity). Of the blog entries, the ones dealing with DokuWiki and Scrivener are very popular and I agree, they are helpful and very interesting:



Well, I hope you have fun reading here …

Best regards



  1. that’s a shame. i only just this week came across your blog — I was searching around for comparisons of CP NoteBook and Scrivener and came across your academic writing/reading workflow. That was really very helpful and I have immediately started to try a similar workflow and so far so good.

    but i understand the blogging burnout – same happened to me about 3 years ago and haven’t been able to get back to it since. let’s hope it won’t be a 3 year hiatus for you :o).

    and at least you’ve already posted a wealth of insight for your readers to ruminate on for a while. and of course there’s the book — thanks for the link, will definitely check it out.

    so good luck with your future creative endeavours and thanks for taking the time out to share your thoughts with the blogosphere.

  2. I’m sorry to hear this, but I wish you the very best. Your postings on the practical use of Notebook and Scrivener also helped me a great deal; I use the system daily.

    Thank you for all of your insights. Take care!!

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