«I’ve been thinking, Hobbes.»
«On a weekend?
«Well, it wasn’t on purpose …»
Calvin and Hobbes
What do you do with your weekend? Given our digitized world, you can easily spend the days working. Especially if you work in a job where you can always do more (own business, academia).
But perhaps there is something better to do with the weekend, especially if you have a family. Or want to start one.
The «Take Back the Weekend» podcast episode by Art of Manliness is interesting to listen to in this regard.
Personally, my weekends usually are better if I adhere to a media shabbat, even if I work (by reading articles, or going online on Sunday). If I had a family, I’d likely use Friday evening to deliberately plan the next two days — taking into account not to over-plan them.
And of course, there is always the opportunity to make and defend time for creative projects.
Something to think about.