Recommendation: Silenced. Our War On Free Speech (Movie)

“I’m offend by … I … I … I turn on … I turn on … top 40 radio I’m offended over and over again. I watch mainstream television I’m offended over and over again. I hear Christianity shit, I hear this Muslim shit, I hear religion every day, I see ‘In God we trust’ on money every day. I’m offended right and fucking left. — I’m just not a little bitch about it.”
Paul Provenza in “Silenced”

Silenced is an interesting documentary — working mostly by letting the people speak (= lots of editing). I am missing a bit the overall thrust, but it is nicely done. (And yep, actually paid for it.)


Silenced. Our War On Free Speech from Michael Cernovich on Vimeo.

Things are different than they used to be. We all know the feeling of dread when posting or talking about something controversial, and this dread has silenced us. It’s not censorship. The government isn’t doing it. We are. To ourselves. Across business, education, politics, and entertainment. Many comedians are even refusing to tour college campuses due to the sensibilities of students, and posting one wrong Tweet can get you fired from a job – or worse.

Silenced explores these issues. We are going to talk to everyone, including people in tech, comedy, finance, sociology, psychiatry, clergy and of course the media. We are also going to show both sides of this issue. How far is too far, is their even is such thing?

Written, Directed, Filmed and Edited – Loren Feldman

Executive Producer – Mike Cernovich

Associate Producers
Chris Deoudes | AJ Fouladpour | Trent Battersby | AD
Zachary Moy | Jeff Giesea | Marc Randazza | Grey Tesh

Art Direction – Larry Rosenthal

Production Assistants
Julie Foster | Shauna Cernovich

Additional Filming
Ian Willson | Scooter Downey

Head Researcher
Christopher Seaton


Scott Adams James Altucher Andrew Auernheimer
Father John Bakas Scott Barrows Allum Bokhari
Paul Boutin Rurik Bradbury Adonis Bravo
Mike Cernovich Melisa Chen Anthony Cumia
Vox Day Alan Dershowitz Pax Dickinson
Scooter Downey Bosch Fawstin Catherine Fitzpatrick
Julie Foster AJ Fouladpour Dr. Michael Goldberg
Goldmund Scott Greenfield Demond Handy
Eric Holland David Horowitz Chuck Johnson
Chuck Ludwig Rachel Marsden Gavin McInnes
Nestor Mendoza Candace Owens Jason Pontin
Paul Provenza Thai Rivera Mike Rotondo
Arianna Rowlands Dave Rubin John Schubert
Mary Schubert Mirriam Seddiq Elissa Shevinski
Dulce Sloan Michael Stutz Oz Sultan Brian Tannebaum
Rabbi Moshe Taub Harrison Slater Van Pelt Milo Yiannopoulos T.O.N.E. – Z

Recommended to get an overview of the topic — and a different version of events from some famous people who got crucified by the media.