“The profession of journalism has about as much integrity as the world’s oldest profession; maybe less. At least whores don’t kid themselves about their motives.”
Sheriff Lucas Buck in “American Gothic” (1995)
At best, journalism keeps politicians and the public honest, but that’s at best. But I recently read an article called “#GamerGate – An Issue With Two Sides” by Allum Bokhari which seems to be surprisingly honest. Some quotations from that article are:
“The problem with this narrative is that it mistakes opposition to culture warriors with opposition to diversity. It mistakes a disdain for ideology with a disdain for inclusivity.”
“They don’t want to ‘change the world’ – they just want to add to it.”
“I am keenly aware that many critics will protest that they do not wish to create moral panics; they merely want to observe and analyse. I sympathize with these arguments.
However, when art is accused of perpetuating violence, sexism, or racism, it has strayed beyond artistic critique and into the realm of political argument. “Subjective analysis” cannot be used as an excuse when historical and sociological arguments are being presented. Furthermore, when the entire gaming community is attacked as a pack of bigoted savages corrupted by gaming tropes, it is not even an argument. It’s a panic.”
“If you hand power to a small group of people with zero transparency and oversight, mistakes will go un-corrected.”
“There’s nothing wrong with ensuring civility in a discussion. Too often, however, this is used as an excuse to exclude people who simply disagree with the prevailing opinion. “Troll” has become synonymous with “person I disagree with.””
A refreshingly balanced view and … highly recommended.