Best blackboards: At Fermilab, every office has at least one that stretches from the floor to the ceiling.
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A while ago I mounted a whiteboard — about 1 m x 1.5 m — on the wall next to my desk (to my right, when I am sitting at my desk, to be exact). It was the biggest one I could reasonably fit and — it was interesting drilling the holes trusting myself that this thing would stay on the wall.
And damn, it’s one of the things I wish I had had sooner. Yep, I love MagicCharts, and I still recommend them for their flexibility, but a whiteboard does have some advantages: It’s always there, easy to clean, I’ve got whiteboard marker in a magnetic box stuck to it, and there are magnets to put paper on it. Things you cannot do that easily with MagicCharts.
And it just invites itself to be used for almost anything where you need to put your thoughts on a huge white space and think for a while about it.

Highly recommended.