«The purpose of visualization is insight, not pictures.»
Ben Shneiderman
There are three sources on data visualization that I can highly recommend:
- Claus O. Wilke does some beautiful work, esp. in “Fundamentals of Data Visualization” and the course “SDS 375: Data Visualization in R” he is currently developing (he has put the content on github and the slides are great).
- Wickham & Grolemund’s “R for Data Science” is still a great book to get familiar with R. They start with visualization and thus making it easy to see the effect of one’s commands.
- Kieran Healy’s “Data Visualization — A practical introduction” is also very interesting. Stumbled upon it today via the Wilke course.
The great thing — all three books (and the course material) can be accessed for free. And R (and RStudio) is free as well.
Made my day … lots of times 🙂