Currently Changing the Blog Layout

Things do not change;
we change.
Henry David Thoreau

It was time for a layout change. The old layout was very … scroll-intensive. I hope that this new version will be more useful.

And I hope it runs stable.

It’s nice when you edit the PHP code and suddenly you get an Internal Server Error. Only thing you can do is wait until someone else (or some computer) fixes the issue. Not even sure if it was me, could be someone else on a shared server, or some other hiccup.

Anyway, I’ve edited the theme, including adding some custom fields and using them to refer to the thumbnail image and the synopsis. The former avoids having to click through images to set a featured image (instead I just copy & paste a link), the later gives you a short summary without the summary appearing on the blog post itself.

There are some layout change I still want to do, but currently I’m working on adding synopses to all postings (over 700, I think). And add images.

So that will take a while. The ones I have already replaced have either an image or a grey box, the ones I haven’t even opened yet show parts of the article text. Unfortunately without formatting.

Still, the site should look nicer if everything works out as planned.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience this causes — if you notice anything that does not work, drop me a line. Anyway, I wanted to do a design like this for ages, and somehow it’s just the time for it.

All the best
