The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes.
William Davis
Not to end the day negatively after the last posting about plagiarism — a really nice video by Tim Minchin (regarding the language: NSFW!):
The elements after the show are … have … a very dark humor. There are a couple of other good videos of him on YouTube. I also like the description on Wikipedia about him:
Minchin describes his act as a “funny cabaret show” and sees himself primarily as a musician and songwriter as opposed to a comedian; his songs, he says, “just happen to be funny.” His reasoning for combining the disciplines of music and comedy was revealed in one interview when he said “I’m a good musician for a comedian and I’m a good comedian for a musician but if I had to do any of them in isolation I dunno.”
Beautiful combination of (sometimes very dark) humor, music and intelligence.