I think I’ve finally figured out the real problem with the world today is and possibly a way to solve it. See, if you are to look anywhere (say, near the sharp blade spinning at high speed under the lawnmower) there’s a little sign that says «Caution: This sharp blade spinning at high speed is a sharp blade spinning at high speed. Do not try and lick it,» or something very similar at any rate. I propose that all these warning signs have, over the years, poisoned the gene pool. Gee, Paul, I guess you SHOULDN’T go after your gum you dropped in the threshing machine because that sign says it’s a bad idea! Then Paul, who should have died then, continues forward through life, possibly even breeding! This is not the way everything was intended to unfold! IT’S LIKE TOYING WITH FATE.
One of the strange things in Japan were the warning signs. Reminded me strongly of the quotation above. I mean …
Going by the signs, the subway seems to be especially dangerous and prone to accidents (and I wonder who someone rushing to the train has the time to read the signs):
And escalators — how can you even ride them …
This doesn’t mean that all signs were superfluous. Some might even be warranted …
It would have been nice to know exactly what makes the area dangerous or why you should not come close to the edge of the lake (what is this, «Laura Bow»?).
And yeah, others, totally understand them …
Also what exactly makes a caterpillar so dangerous?
And English translation would have been nice, but at least Google Translate works:
And then there is this WTF sign:
But to end with something positive — the garden of a villa in Kyoto had the best signage I have seen so far. Led clearly through the garden by showing the path to go, and they pointed out interesting sights.
That was really well done. But most of the other ones … perhaps we are playing it a bit too safe. Let’s give natural selection a chance. 😉