3 Copies Sold!

3_copies_soldSince I have published my book about organizing creativity I have sold 3 copies.

Yep, 3 copies sold! Not 3 Million, not 3 thousand, not 3 hundred — just 3 copies sold! And I couldn’t be happier. ๐Ÿ™‚

But why — when it’s only 3 copies? I don’t even get the money yet — it’s too little to warrant a check. Nah, but I didn’t do it for the money.

When I “decided” (I was more or less driven) to write a book about organizing creativity, I was aware that without an editor and a publisher, the odds of people actually reading my book would be rather … slim. One reason why I put the whole book on this website. I want it to be read because I really think that creativity can be improved by organization and that many good works fail because the infrastructure is not there to carry the weight of a large scale project that takes years and years.

So, it doesn’t really matter that only 3 people have ordered this book. And actually, I find the trust these people have in me very … comforting. Three people were willing to buy a book that was not from a publishing company, without knowing me (I think), when I mentioned in advance that there will be spelling errors, and without advertisement for the book, and — even worse — when the whole text is available on this site. I find this amazing.
I do not know whether these three people got something for their money, but I do hope so. Perhaps one or two good ideas how to generate, or capture, or collect, or realize, or archive ideas, perhaps only the confirmation that they are not alone in their striving to be creative.
But since creativity depends on the field and my field are these people (and the readers of this blog and website, which are in the thousands), I couldn’t be happier. ๐Ÿ™‚

So, I thank you very much. ๐Ÿ™‚

1 Comment

  1. Update: Now it is four copies ๐Ÿ™‚
    (still below the minimum payment amount)

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