Searching Blogs that do not offer search fields and subscribing to blogs that do not offer RSS icons

To some of us, reading the manual is conceding defeat.
Jason Q.

Two handy tips if you are interested in keeping up to date with blogs or want to search their content.

RSS Feeds

If you ever find an interesting blog, one that might provide value in the future, you might want to subscribe to it. Many blogs offer RSS feeds — which, in combination with an RSS program — allow you to get informed automatically whenever they post something new. There are a lot of RSS programs, personally, I use DEVONthink (not really such a program, but it has other advantages).

However, some blogs do not provide you with such an icon. However, many blogs still can be subscribed if you add


to the site name.

So, for example, if you want to subscribe to the blog and it does not offer an RSS feed icon, just try Alternatively, you might also try /rss or /atom.

Searching Blogs without a search field

Some blogs do not provide you with a search field. However, many blogs can still be searched via adding the search terms after the site name.

So, for example, if you want to search the blog for pages that contain the words “red flags”, simply try

It’s just /?s= with the terms you want to search for, combined with a +.

Of course, you can also use Google and add (in this case)


to the search field. It will limit the results to the site you have specified.


Have fun reading. 🙂