Turn your Home Art into an Exhibition Piece

It must be Art. I can’t think of anything else it could be.

Many people — who create visual art — like to display it. However, only a few artworks end up in museums and exhibitions — and even museums have many, many more art pieces in their magazines (i.e., the basement), including works by world-renowned artists. But there is no reason why you cannot display your works at home — many people do so. And as much as some people sneer about ‘refrigerator art’, it has its value — and you can do a lot more.

For example, you can create something more exhibition-like at home by putting labels next to your artworks. After all, it’s easy to make labels — simply create a 4×6 inches document, write the text on it, and (let it) print(ed) it on photo paper (looks better than normal paper and any store that can print photos can do it, if you use .jpg in top quality). Then cut it to size. The usual label information is 1. name of the artwork, 2. year created, 3. name of artist, 4. material, and 5. size (see also the respective Wikipedia entry).

I think it’s even better to include an artist statement. In the Coursera Course “Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques” by Anna Divinsky participants were asked to write such an artist statement. The course information read:

Directions for Writing an Artist Statement
An Artist Statement is a brief, but specific explanation of your artwork in which you address the what , the why and the how.  It should be at least 100 words long, but you are always welcome to write more.   The more information you provide within your artist statement, the better your audience will understand your intentions as an artist.   Please use complete sentences along with grammar and spell-check.   You can defer to the vocabulary index to help you with identifying and utilizing visual arts vocabulary that may be relevant to your statement.

Please address the following in your Artist Statement:
1.  Explain your process (medium and technique).  How was it made?  Which art materials and approached did you use and why?
2.  Describe the idea behind your artwork.  What story or message does it get across?  What does it mean to you?
3.  Why did you create it?  What are your reasons for creating that specific art piece?  What do you want your audience to feel and think while observing it?

from “Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques” by Anna Divinsky

I recently created such a label for another purpose and I really like the idea.

It’s a simple page (DIN A4) with an image of the artwork on it (to allow the visitor to identify the correct label) and the artist statement inside (to allow the visitor to come to his/her own interpretation first). Given that a strip is folded in (red/gray in the image) and fixed with scotch tape, it stays closed.

The page is folded, the right side here is visible, the left side is taped to the wall. The red stripe is folded to keep the page closed.
The artist statement itself. It’s in German, unfortunately, but you get the idea. It was made for a public setting, so you can probably ditch the artist information at home.

It might be only for guests, be it friends or family, but it shows the amount of thought you put into your work and gives the visitor/guest a way to understand what you wanted to say. And these labels make the work stand out — after all, there are some kinds of creativity that are hard to see …

And it’s not only for photos or paintings/drawings, but also for statues, short writings you can frame or longer ones if you put the book on a stand, hell, you can even display your musical talent by using photos of the events, etc. pp. And yup, it might come off as vain, but seriously, creativity is more than just having an idea … implementing ideas takes a lot of hard work and persistence and the products should be shared.

Have fun and enjoy the fruits of your works 🙂

P.S.: As shown on the label, this is the image the artist statement relates to:

A photo of mine I like very much …