The “Yes!” have it — planning a Site

Ankh-Morpork had dallied with many forms of government and had ended up with that form of democracy known as One Man, One Vote. The Patrician was the Man; he had the Vote.
“Mort” by Terry Pratchett

I’ve asked the question: Interested in a website dealing with organizing creativity specifically for science? two days ago, and — not surprisingly(*) — the results are unequivocal: The “Yes!” have it.

Despite having about 300 to 400 visitors a day, it’s still a small blog and I do not expect much feedback, but the number of votes were very encouraging. I’ve tried out MediaWiki and DokuWiki and I will likely set up a DokuWiki (used solely as a static website) for this purpose.

Not sure when it will be finished, but I’ll do a posting when it’s done.

To all those who did vote — thank you very much, you made my day. 🙂

(Seriously, it might just have been a click, but it shows me that my contribution is appreciated. Thank you :-))


(*) All those who votes did chose yes. I mean, why wouldn’t they? Why would anyone be interested in saying “No, don’t offer content ‘for free’. Even those who do not like me would have no interest in preventing me from working on something they would consider worthless …
So, essentially, it was the number of YES votes that was interesting …

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  1. Question: Interested in a website dealing with organizing creativity specifically for science? | ORGANIZING CREATIVITY

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