Cupidtino — Marriage in Heaven or a Poisoned Tool?

I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you, and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it’s beautiful.
Frederick E. Perl

The hardest problem in my life I have faced so far, is finding a person I want to share my life with. I’m not talking about friends, acquaintances or colleagues — I have those and I’m fine with them. Serious, I have precious few but also very precious friends, colleagues kinda come with the job ( 😉 ), and acquaintances you pick up along the way.

But that’s not enough — and it’s a problem I haven’t solved at the moment, and I’m out of creative options. I have tried dating sites — which were successful in two ways. I’ve had a relationship/friendship/affair with an interesting woman for a few months, and resuming online dating after that made me realize that perhaps being single isn’t so bad after all (the odds might be good, but most of the goods are also “odd” — that bad kind of “odd”). But I’m still searching, although at the moment I don’t know where to look.

So, a blog article about a new dating site raised my interest, because it is either a marriage in heaven or the most treacherous form of advertisement/product placement I have ever seen: a website called Cupidtino.

Sounds vaguely familiar? It will look familiar — it’s a dating site for Apple Users in the Apple Style. I’m still smiling inside at the look and feel of the site (and wondering whether it was instigated by Apple or whether Apple’s lawyers get a heart attack).

While the premise that:

Cupidtino is a beautiful new dating site created for fans of Apple products by fans of Apple products. Why? Diehard Mac & Apple fans often have a lot in common – personalities, creative professions, a similar sense of style and aesthetics, taste, and a love for technology.

We believe these are enough fundamental reasons for two people to meet and fall in love, and so we created the first Mac-inspired dating site to help you find other Machearts around you.

might not be true any longer since Apple has gone mainstream, it’s an interesting concept and a very creative solution.

At the moment, it suffers from a typical problem of dating sites though: It’s hard to gain the critical mass necessary to have good odds of finding someone interesting in your area.

So, the odds are not good, but at least, the goods seem to be the good kind of odd. 🙂